haatik + Jone San Martin I OTS

Basque corsairs


Basque people have always had a special relationship with the sea. We have always been
good navigators to fish or to trade, but we have also been good pirates. Some time ago it
was not easy to differentiate the three activities.

Many ships used to start their voyage taking iron and different instruments to Lisbon or
Arroxel, in exchange for everything they needed for whale fishing. But if they encountered an enemy that was weaker than them, they would take advantage and benefit from them.

Haatik shows the story of that period, the experiences of the coastal towns, their intercultural
coexistence and their beliefs through dance.

artistic record

Director: ​Aiert Beobide
Artistic advice: ​Olatz Beobide
Clothing: ​Ramon Garcia
Lighting: ​Anartz Beobide
Communication and production: ​Iurre Aranburu
Dancers: ​Aiert Beobide, Itziar Dohyarzabal, Anne Jauregi, Amaiur Luluaga, Iker Sanz, Irati
Sorondo Nerea Ezenarro and Jon Arsuaga